Baby Vivaldi

Want to learn how to play acoustic guitar? Great! It's going to be fun and challenging and very rewarding. Acoustic guitars are beautiful instruments. They are so natural sounding and everybody likes them.
How To Play Acoustic Guitar
Experiment with this technique and see how much better your chords sound. And remember that these are just a couple of tips to get you started there is much more to learn about how to play acoustic guitar.
I wouldn't try to do anything too crazy right off the bat. Just stick to the tunes that you can play using your open chords. Save the bar chords for later on. They will give you many more options, but we must crawl before we walk as they say.
Want to know even more about playing acoustic guitar and easy ways to speed up your learning? Visit my site below.
The first thing you are going to want to do is learn all the open chords. This is the easiest way to start learning tunes. Bob Dylan chords are great for practice. A ton of pop songs will teach you how to use open chords and you will be able to play a familiar tune. I recommend learning tunes that you know because it will be a better feeling of accomplishment when you hear what comes out of your guitar. Some songs you may want to try are Wild Thing, Knocking on Heaven's Door, or Hey Ya!
So what are your goals? Do you want to learn how to play some folk tunes and site around with your friends jamming. That's what most people want to do. They hear someone play some tunes at a party and think, "I can do that". Some people hear a song on the radio at the perfect time and it just hits them and they want to learn to play. Whatever your goals are, they can be accomplished.
Also try this exercise. Play any chord. As you strum start to hold the pick tighter and tighter. You will notice as you strum up and down that the chords sound worse and worse. This is because the pick needs to graze over the strings; you don't want to kill them.